Friday, June 13, 2014

Mint Mojito

Summertime means cocktails time! If you've followed the blog before, you know how much we love having an herb garden and this is why. It's because when you want a beverage (or food) that needs something fresh, like mint, it's right there. There is nothing worse than having a craving and needing to run to the store to complete a recipe, when you have all but one ingredient at home. I'll admit even for this one, we didn't have club soda so we just used water the first time. Club soda is now in our house, prepared for the next mojito craving!

Man, am I glad it's Friday! Even though the workload is lighter in the summer, everything else outside of work seems to be falling apart! Will is at his internship at this point, so I'm still all by my lonesome. Thankfully my best friend Amanda is coming down to visit this weekend. However, when I went to get the cleaning supplies out of the closet with the water heater last night, I discovered water in the tray! This is especially bad since another water heater in our building burst last month and flooded the downstairs neighbors apartment, putting them out of their place for almost a week. Needless to say, I'm already on top of the rental company trying to get this fixed or better yet, replaced. Nobody wants to spend their weekend with water everywhere, carpets being ripped up and those big noisy fans they have to bring in to dry out your place! I'm hopeful that I managed to catch it early. The irony is the management company was supposed to have sent someone to check it already this month, which hasn't happened.....oh the joys of renting. I'm sure it will be deemed "fine" and won't get replaced, which it so desperately needs to be. But at least I can say I've done my part!

Anywho, a good strong drink like this one should be the perfect end to your week, whether it was crazy or not! Enjoy :)

Mint Mojito (serves 1)
2 oz. Cuban rum
1 oz. lime juice
4 oz. club soda
6 mint leaves
2 tsp brown sugar

Add the lime juice, brown sugar and mint leaves in a highball glass. Bruise a few mint leaves using a spoon (or mortar and pestle) so their juice can get out. Let this mix rest for a few hours, for best results. Fill the glass with ice, then add rum and stir. Add club soda and a twig of fresh mint for decoration. Enjoy!

Recipe: My Best Cocktails: Mojito

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