Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Grilled Chicken & Corn Salad

I love making this recipe for lunch! Originally derived from a smattering of foods I would purchase while studying abroad in Ireland, I have adapted this for the more health-conscious Megan. This fits right in with my obsession with sweet corn, developed during that same time spent in Ireland, and my penchant for adding it to everything. Back in the day, I didn't know how to grocery shop properly and would just wander around the Dunnes (or Tesco) picking up things I liked, here and there. That ranged from peanut butter, to kid's chicken nuggets, to canned sweet corn and Kerrygold butter, just to top it all off. I now know the value of selecting fresh vegetables and fruits, in addition to making a game plan before wandering into a grocery store (more on that in another post, later). When I would get back to our apartment on campus, I would be left with who knows what and would try to pull it together.

That's where this salad came from. I would take bags of lettuce, dump them on a plate and try to figure it out from there. Cook some chicken nuggets and cut them up? Sure, why not - toss that on too. Oh and the Irish seem to put corn on everything? Let me toss that on this "salad" too. How about some cheese? Sounds good to me. And a heavy, creamy dressing - yup, that too! Now, I've made the effort to stick with grilled chicken (chickpeas could work to make it veggie), fresher veggies and still splurge a little with the dressing. Either way, I think this is a dynamite recipe, full of flavor and personality! If you're getting bored with your salads or finding they're not filling you up enough, give this one a shot!

Grilled Chicken & Corn Salad (serves 6)
4-5 small chicken tenders*
A head of Romaine lettuce
Mozzarella or other shredded light cheese
Sweet corn kernels, cooked and drained
Sun-dried Tomatoes
Trader Joe's "Goddess" dressing

Begin by grilling your chicken on a panini press or grill. Once cooked (about 8-10 minutes), slice into bite-size pieces. Cook your corn on the stovetop, about 3-4 minutes, then drain. Shred Romaine lettuce into bite size pieces. Assemble salad beginning with Romaine, then chicken, corn, sun-dried tomatoes, Mozzarella and top with a light amount of dressing. Enjoy!

*When I first started making this recipe for lunch in Ireland, I would buy breaded chicken tenders and it was divine. However, with a few more years in my back pocket and a better shot at knowing how to cook, I've switched to grilled chicken tenders, sans bread. However, if you want to treat yourself, definitely do the breaded chicken - so delicious!

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