Monday, February 11, 2013

Whole Broccoli Pasta

We have dabbled with broccoli pesto before. I mean, it makes sense to use the stems of the broccoli instead of throwing them away. They have to be full of nutrients just like the rest of broccoli, right? It just makes sense. So anyways, we had some extra broccoli on hand from another recipe we were making the same week, and we needed a quick bite to eat one night. Will rehashed a broccoli stem pesto recipe that we have used before (included below), cooked some regular broccoli florets, some pasta and voila: dinner! This may not have been the worlds best attempt at broccoli pesto because there were some stringy parts that just wouldn't break down in the food processor. However, if you are selective enough about your stems, it shouldn't be a problem. This meal did in a pinch and would be one we could easily return to. Definitely another quick pasta dish with some greenery mixed in to "health it up," so to speak.

Broccoli Pesto Pasta (serves 2, with leftovers)
1 garlic clove
2 broccoli stems, cut into 1/2 inch thick pieces
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
S&P to taste
8 oz. pasta, your choice
3-4 cups broccoli florets
Parmesan, for sprinkling on top

Begin boiling water for pasta and for broccoli florets. When pots of water are ready, add pasta and broccoli, respectively, to their pots and cook for 7-9 minutes. In the meantime, begin to make the pesto by pulsing the garlic, broccoli, and pine nutes in food processor until chopped down. Add lemon juice and begin to add olive oil, continuing to pulse. Continue adding olive oil and blending until reaching a satisfactory creaminess. Add salt and pepper to taste. Once broccoli and pasta are ready, drain both and combine in one pot. Stir in pesto, then serve, sprinkling Parmesan cheese over top.

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