Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Slow-Cooked Pork Tacos

Dear heavens. These tacos. They are the best tacos that have ever graced the face of this Earth. I wish this were a joke, but these are seriously better than any restaurant or Chipotle taco I've ever eaten. The best part? Will came up with the recipe. It's genius. I mean, for starters, there are very few ways to cook meat that are better than slow-cooked, especially when it comes to large portions of meat. So when you add in all the spices, let it absorb and cook for 8 hours, you're pretty much guaranteed a success. Add in a little homemade pico de gallo and some black beans, and you are set for a week.

Every night we pulled the pork out to reheat, it got better and better. Will would put foil over the pan and reheat it at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes and then remove the foil and give it another quick broil. This caused the meat to revert back to its softer juicy quality, before once again crisping the top. We got to enjoy this for at least four days last week, which seems like a couple days too many, but by splitting it up with other meals, we never got tired of it. Definitely very highly recommended!

Slow-Cooked Pork Tacos (serves 6-8)
4 lb. bone-in pork butt
1 red onion, peeled and quartered
4-5 cloves of garlic, peeled
4 chipotle peppers plus adobo sauce, from a can
1/2 bunch cilantro
2 tsp ground cloves
1 tbsp salt
Juice of 2 limes or 1/4 cup of bottled lime juice
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

Begin by quartering red onion, then placing into food processor with garlic cloves. Chop garlic and onion until achieving a fine dice. Add to the slow cooker. Then combine peppers, cilantro, cloves, salt, lime juice and apple cider vinegar to food processor, combining until achieving a paste-like consistency. Add to the slow cooker.

Chop pork butt into large chunks (if you had boneless, this would be easier) and then place in the slow cooker. You may need to add a little water at this point, depending. You want the pork to be almost covered in liquid, so this is up to your discretion. Cook on low for 8 hours.

After pork has been cooking for 8 hours, use tongs and a slotted spoon and transfer into a pan with a lip/high edges. Lightly shred, varying the size of the chunks. Prepare a pot on the stovetop and place a fine mesh strainer in it. Return to slow cooker and pour mixture into pot, straining out any remaining chunks, but retaining the liquid in the pan. Boil liquid for 20 minutes. Once it has reduced/thickened, pour some into the pan with meat, to cover the bottom in a thin layer of liquid. Place pan with meat on lower-middle rack of oven and broil until the top of the meat is browned and slightly crisp, about 5 minutes. Using a spatula, flip the meat and broil the other side until equally browned and crisp. Serve with warmed corn tortillas, black beans, and pico de gallo.

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