Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tofu Peanut Quinoa Bowls

Well doesn't that sound like the most hipster recipe you've ever heard? Where's the kale?!?!?! Whatever, hate on tofu all you want but the stuff is DELISH. Every time we make a new tofu recipe, we claim it is better than the last. And while I don't want to say outright that this recipe is better than any other tofu recipes, I will confidently say it is another recipe that is worth a shot. Hipster-sounding ingredients or not, this is a gem. Though I have come to realize that adding even a little bit of peanut butter to a recipe, makes a world of difference as far as flavor is concerned - a good world, in my opinion.

I forget where we found this gem - perhaps after a brief five minutes on Pinterest or the more likely option, a Buzzfeed post. Either way, we were very pleased with it and would easily make it again. I miss the days where I had time to go on Pinterest (is anyone still out there anymore? Is it worth updating the Cooking With Willis boards?) regularly and spend hours each week piddling away a happy amount of time looking at recipes, weddings and pretty things. Real life happened and it happened fast, resulting in a drastic decrease in my Pinterest time (boo). But that's okay, because on whole, it's an entertaining, fast-paced life we live filled with work, events, lessons, classes, rehearsals and for Will, cooking. Is there time for Pinterest? No. Is there even enough hours in the day to get in a proper workout? Hardly. But is that the reality for a lot of people out there? Yes. Anyways, enjoy this wonderful little tofu recipe and get your hipster on.

Cooking Notes: Well, I didn't leave any notes after Will made this so I'm not sure what he changed...oops. But I imagined he altered some things knowing him, but I will present this one to you as is.

Tofu Peanut Quinoa Bowls (borrowed from Oh My Veggies; serves 2)
1/2 cup quinoa
1 tsp olive oil
1 small red bell pepper, seeded and diced
1 small broccoli crown, broken into florets
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp water
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp fresh grated ginger
S&P, to taste
4 slices baked tofu*
2 tbsp chopped roasted peanuts

Cook the quinoa in water according to package directions. While it's cooking, heat the olive oil in a medium skillet over medium-high heat, then add the red pepper and cook for 3 minutes or until soft. Transfer to a large bowl. Add the broccoli to the skillet with 2 tbsp of water, then cover and steam for about 2 minutes or until the broccoli is tender. Transfer to the same large bowl, with the pepper.

Whisk the peanut butter, lime juice, 1 tbsp water, soy sauce, brown sugar and ginger in a small bowl. When the quinoa is done, fluff with a fork and then transfer to the bowl with the broccoli and pepper. Toss together and pour peanut mixture over top, mixing everything well. Season with S&P to taste, then divide into two bowls and top with two slices of tofu and a tbsp of chopped peanuts.

*Baked Tofu (borrowed from Oh My Veggies!; makes 8 slices)
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
Fresh ground pepper
1 15-oz. package extra-firm tofu, drained and pressed

Whisk soy sauce, maple syrup, olive oil, garlic and a couple cranks of fresh ground black pepper into a small baking dish. After pressed and drained, slice the tofu into 8 pieces and place those in the dish with the mixture, marinating for about 30 minutes, flipping the tofu at 15 minutes. While marinating, preheat the oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper (or grease it well with cooking spray or Crisco). Place the tofu on the sheet once it's done marinating and bake for 40 minutes or until the edges are dark and tofu is chewy. Make sure to turn the tofu over at the 20 minute mark. Place on top of the quinoa bowls when done and enjoy!

Recipe: Oh My Veggies: Peanutty Quinoa Bowls with Baked Tofu

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