Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tilapia with Mushroom-Spinach Cream Sauce

You know when you've hit on one of those recipes that you think back on and go "oh I would make that again in a heartbeat." Coming across this one in the drafts gave both of us that reaction. To say the least, this was a good one. Will came up with this recipe by himself based on things we had on hand and neither of us could be more pleased with the result. Tilapia is typically not the most exciting recipe we'll put on our weekly menu, but this recipe is a game-changer. It will make you crave the flaky white fish, though not necessarily because of the fish itself but rather the sauce. I'd imagine this sauce would also work well on chicken or even as a pasta sauce. No matter how you try it, I just suggest that you DO try it!

Tilapia with Mushroom-Spinach Cream Sauce (serves 2)
2 tilapia fillets (or any other white fish of your choice...catfish or cod are suggested)
8 oz. cremini mushrooms
3 cups fresh baby spinach
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup milk (or cream)
1/2 tbsp flour
1 tsp fresh thyme leaves (1/4 tsp dried)
S&P to taste

Slice the mushrooms. Saute them in 1 tbsp of butter for 5-10 minutes until they shrink and release their juices. Add thyme, S&P while sauteing mushrooms. Set aside.

Saute spinach with 1 tbsp olive oil and some water so it will wilt, 3-5 minutes or until spinach is wilted. Set aside.

Pat dry your tilapia fillets, season with S&P on both sides. Heat up 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil over medium-high heat. Fry the fillets 3-4 minutes per side (a little longer if you have thicker fillets) until the fish is white and flakey. Remove the fish from the pan. Lower heat to medium/medium-low, sprinkle flour in pan with leftover juice and fried bits and stir for 1-2 minutes. Add milk and stir until it begins to thicken, about 2-3 minutes. Add mushrooms and spinach back to pan, until heated through and thick. Season with S&P, then pour over tilapia fillets. Enjoy!

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