Saturday, July 12, 2014

Spring Onion Hummus

We decided a couple weeks ago that we were going to run another half marathon. Let me show you the thought process:
Will: "I've been running pretty regularly this summer."
Megan: "That's nice."
Will: "You should get back into it."
Megan: "Yes."
Will: "We should register for a race!"
Megan: "Okay, sounds great!"
Will: "Let's do another half - that'd be great motivation."
Megan: "Sure, why not?"

Ummmmmmm lots of reasons why not! Let's think about this. We spent all last summer training for a half marathon in September, but prior to that we were regularly running races of the 5K variety (minimum). Fast forward to now when the last race we ran was in December and you could describe our running as irregular, at best. A mile every few weeks here, a couple miles every couple months there. So why we thought registering for another half marathon was a grand idea, I'm not really sure. We decided this the same weekend I graduated from yoga school, so I think we were all hopped up on the feel-good vibes. Either way, running a half marathon is not easy task and my knees and ankles are already letting me know it's been awhile since I've run. Three miles? they say. LOL TOMORROW'S GONNA SUCK they warn me as I crawl into bed. And yes, tomorrow did suck. But! There is a silver lining. We picked a November race, giving ourselves plenty of time to get back into a routine and then really being able to crack down on training. Also, November will be about 20-30 degrees cooler than our last half, which we did over Labor Day the beach (we'll be in RVA this time). Plus we have several friends who like to watch races in Richmond, so that's a great incentive not to suck. So yay for more things to look forward to! Plus the pressure's off - it's not our first attempt and we're doing it for the sake of getting back into the good habit of running. The theory is if we spend lots of money on a race, we'll get our asses in gear.

Now what all that had to do with hummus, I don't really know other than hummus can be a great fuel/snack food for runners! Protein, flavor and veggies in this particular recipe, are what make it something special. I love this recipe I came up with and I highly recommend it if you have lots of spring onions that you don't know what to do with! You could easily leave out the sun-dried tomatoes, but I'm obsessed with them and love to add them to everything. Give this one a go and let me know what you think!

Spring Onion Hummus (serves 6-8)
1 15-oz. can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup tahini
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped
1 giant bulb spring onion, green and white parts chopped

Drain the chickpeas and rinse with cool water. Place in food processor along with lemon juice, tahini, garlic, salt, tomatoes and spring onions. Pulse until smooth. Add water, 1 tbsp at a time (I used 4 tbsp total) to reach desired consistency. Snack with carrots and enjoy!

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