Friday, May 23, 2014

Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus

It's the weekend! Hooray! And it's a holiday weekend too, which is the best kind of weekend. I'm excited because my mom is coming down to spend the weekend in Williamsburg and we're going to do fun things like horseback ride, shop, get our nails done and maybe even hit up Busch Gardens. It can't get much better than that! She's fitting me into her busy schedule between her 40th college reunion last weekend and before she jets overseas on a trip to Germany next week (and the Czech Republic? I can't even keep up anymore!). Her visit also kicks off my surprisingly busy summer weekends - between visiting people, having people visit, work events and the last few rounds of yoga teacher training, I don't have a weekend free until July! But oh well, that's what will make it fun!

So to kick off the weekend right, you need to have snacks on hand and if you like spicy things, this is one to try. I had some jalapenos leftover from a couple other dishes and realized I needed to use them ASAP because they were starting to shrivel. I ended up making a few things with them, including this hummus. I knew Budget Bytes would have an idea what to do with them and when I opened the cookbook, I was right. This recipe was perfect because we always have everything on hand for hummus, plus I needed to use the jalapenos and our cilantro plant has been doing well, so I had more than enough to use for making this. I added extra jalapeno which made it a bit spicier than it probably needed to be, but c'est la vie. I like spicy, so it worked for me. Anyways, if you're bored with regular hummus, you can give this a shot instead!

Cooking Notes: Since I had a lot of jalapenos on hand, I decided to up the spicy factor and use two in this recipe. Otherwise, I stuck with Beth's tried and true hummus recipe!

Jalapeno-Cilantro Hummus (adapted from Budget Bytes Cookbook; serves 6)
1 15-oz. can chickpeas
2 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup tahini
1 clove garlic
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground cumin
2 jalapenos, destemmed and seeds removed
A small handful fresh cilantro leaves
1-3 tbsp water

In a food processor, combine chickpea, olive oil, lemon juice, tahini, garlic, salt, cumin, jalapenos and cilantro, blending until smooth. Add water, 1 tbsp at a time, and continue processing until you reach your desired consistency. Enjoy!

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