Friday, May 30, 2014

A Call For.....Guest Posts!

You all have seen me request it on Facebook, but now I'm going to formally and politely make this request on the blog itself. If you ever have a delicious recipe that you think others would like, please feel free to share it with CWW! We love to feature friends, family and others on the blog, with the creative and enticing recipes you come up with! I try not to troll people that I know too often, by stalking their Facebook or Instagram posts for intriguing photos of food they've made. But know that when you're posting food, I'm probably watching! So instead of making me creepily invite you to do a guest post, please feel free to share what you've made with CWW and be a featured guest blogger!

A lot of the time, I get responses when I ask people to share a recipe/write a post along the lines of "oh it's not fancy enough" or "I don't know what to write." Well folks, if you look at some of our original recipes, they weren't that intricate or well-written either. Heck, even I don't know what to write half the time, so you're not alone! The answers to these questions are: yes, your recipe IS good enough to be on the blog (you know we like a variety) and that you can just write about the food you've made! You can write about what inspired you, why you made it (having the random ingredients in the fridge does count as a reason), what you would/wouldn't do when making it again, if it's a family recipe, etc. And if you don't feel like you want to write about it, I am more than happy to help you fill in the gaps or provide prompts! Remember, this is just a casual blog - no sponsors, no advertising, nothing. Just a simple place that I use as a platform to share what we're making in our kitchen; I want to know what's in yours too! So please feel free to shoot us a message on Facebook or leave a comment below, with any questions or requests to guest blog! My only requests are that you have at least one picture to share (two or more is preferable), the origin of the recipe (if not original) so I can cite it, and that you at least type up the recipe for me, since I'm not in the kitchen with you! Thanks and I look forward to an onslaught of guest posts!!

See below for some of our guest bloggers (the above photo is of Boston Cream Cupcakes, by Courtney):

I commandeered this recipe for Vegetarian Breakfast Tacos from my friend Hayley who is a vegetarian. Do you have a special food interest, like being a vegetarian, vegan, Paleo or gluten-free? I'd love to share your recipes and learn more about what types of foods you eat and how you prepare them, on a more specific diet!

This recipe for a Campfire Breakfast Bake from Amanda and Jesse, from a camping trip we all took together back in September. While they did not write the actual blog post, I got their assistance in constructing the background concept of the bake as well as the recipe. This is a great example of how to share the recipe, even if you're not sure about writing a post!

Jill was my first guest blogger, when she posted this picture of Pumpkin Pie on Facebook around Thanksgiving. She was actually the one who requested to share on the blog and stemmed the idea of having guest posts. It worked out perfectly because I'm not a huge pumpkin pie person, so you all wouldn't have this recipe to reference in the fall without Jill!

Courtney is a regular guest poster. She made the Boston Cream Cupcakes seen above, as well as this Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup that she got from the Epcot Food & Wine Festival. I already have another recipe from her that will be released soon! Courtney is a regular experimenter in the kitchen and we often share about the things we are making, whether cooked or baked. There have been other potential recipes to share, that haven't made it onto the blog, that Courtney has made (usually because we forget to take a picture). She doesn't want to hog the blog, but she does enjoy being a guest poster!

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