Monday, April 21, 2014

Bacon & Spinach Quiche

I'm going to go ahead and throw it out there now: I've got a crazy-busy week ahead. Our office is having one of our "insane" weeks, which happens now and at Homecoming. I'm excited because each day means a different crowd we're catering too. However, it also means being at work late every night this week and losing some of my "catch-up" time for blogging. The timing couldn't be better, though, since Will is about to start plowing through the end of his semester. After that he'll be leaving me for Italy and then an internship in Blacksburg, so I imagine the blog posts will drastically decrease at that point! Hah! But for now, I won't let student academic prize, SAC senior dinner, senior spring day, 50th reunion weekend or Olde Guarde celebration get in my way...just let me know when I've made it to next Monday.

This recipe is one that I devised mostly on my own, after checking in with a variety of my favorite cookbooks/blogs to gather proportion sizes. I went for the ingredients based on some things we had on hand and simply what sounded like it'd be good. We had some leftover bacon, which is what inspired doing a recipe with some meat in it. We also had about two dozen eggs, completely on accident, so we were seeking out a quiche (or two) that used several eggs. I would probably make this again with fresh spinach instead of frozen, since you'll need to get the moisture out of the greens either way. And I think any sort of cheese combo would work for this, though the mozzarella and provolone were a good combination. Give this a try and let me know what you think!

Bacon & Spinach Quiche
6 slices bacon, chopped and cooked
1 sweet onion, diced
1/2 cup green onion, sliced
1 10-oz. block frozen chopped spinach, thawed
4 eggs
3/4 cup milk
1 cup Mozzarella & Provolone shredded cheese
A dash each, S&P

Begin by slicing your raw bacon, then cook it stovetop on a skillet over medium to medium-high heat until crispy brown, about 8-10 minutes. Remove bacon pieces from grease and remove pan from heat. Give it a minute to cool, then very carefully soak up the majority of the grease with paper towels and throw it away. Return skillet to heated stovetop, over medium heat. Once grease is warm, toss in diced onion and cook 5-7 minutes, until onion is golden and translucent. Remove from heat and stir in bacon.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a pie dish generously. Add the bacon and onion mixture to the bottom of the pan, spreading evenly. Thoroughly squeeze liquid out of thawed chopped spinach and layer over top of bacon/onion mix. Sprinkle the cheese over top of the spinach. Whisk eggs, then whisk in milk, and a dash each of salt and pepper. Pour whisked liquid over top of ingredients in the pie dish, then top with green onions. Bake for 40 minutes or until crust is golden brown around the edges. Cool for 5 minutes before enjoying!

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