Friday, March 28, 2014

Spinach & Sausage Polenta

Despite cooking new recipes all the time, occasionally you just want something that combines your normal ingredients but in a new way. We try so many recipes with such a crossover of ingredients, that it's a challenge to find recipes that don't start to feel the same as what we're already eating. Will found this gem, which brought in polenta as the main grain ingredient and had a simple sausage and veggie mix to go with it. Will's favorite touch? The poached egg. It's what made this stand out from other similar recipes and while an egg is not always my favorite touch, it certainly did give this recipe some pizzaz. And not only that, it's just pretty to look at (granted the bowls make it look even better, but still)! This could easily be altered based on veggies that are in season - the basic concept of polenta, veggies/meat, and topped with an egg is all that you need to know! Will's already got more ideas for how to adapt this meal into other combinations, so stay tuned...

Cooking Notes: Will used shredded cheddar cheese, skipping out on the goat cheese.

Spinach & Sausage Polenta Bowl (serves 4; adapted from The Kitchn)
4 cups water
1 cup polenta (or cornmeal)
1 tsp salt
4 oz. shredded cheddar
1/2 tbsp olive oil
2 links chicken sausage, sliced into coins
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/8 tsp chili flakes
1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
6 oz. baby spinach
1/2 tsp salt
4 eggs (1 per serving)

In a 2 or 3-qt. saucepan with a lid, bring the water to a rolling boil. Pour in the polenta while whisking continuously with a silicone whisk. Stir in the salt and continue whisking until the polenta has thickened slightly. Reduce to low and cover. Cook the polenta for 20-30 minutes, whisking vigorously every 10 minutes. The polenta is done when it's creamy, tastes tender and has thickened into a porridge. Remove the polenta from heat and stir in the cheese until the cheese had melted fully. Cover the pot and set aside until ready for serving.

While the polenta is 10 minutes from being done, prep the topping. Heat the olive oil in a skillet and add the chicken sausage. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sausage is browned and golden on all sides, about 3-4 minutes. Add the garlic and chili flakes, stirring until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the tomatoes and cook until soft, 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle handfuls of spinach over the pan, adding more as each handful begins to wilt. Cook until the spinach is wilted and silky, but still bright green. Sprinkle with salt and remove pan from heat.

Fill a saucepan with about 2 inches of water and set over medium-high heat. Crack each of the eggs into a measuring cup and set near the stove. When the water comes to a simmer, reduce the heat to low and slip the eggs into the water one at a time. Cook for 4 1/2 minutes for runny yolks (Will's preference) or 5 1/2 minutes for set yolks (Megan's preference).* Remove with a slotted spoon and transfer directly to polenta bowls.

*While eggs cook, assemble the bowls. Spoon the polenta into the bottom, then layer a scoop of the topping over the polenta. Once eggs are ready, transfer them to the bowls. Sprinkle with extra chili flakes or cheese and serve immediately.

Recipe: The Kitchn: Polenta Bowl with Garlicky Spinach, Chicken Sausage & Poached Egg

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