Sunday, March 16, 2014

Moroccan Spiced Coffee

You know I'm always ready on the weekends with a new coffee or breakfast recipe! This one is a little different than a latte but packs a punch all of its own. Inspired by Will's favorite Moroccan cookbook, he started making this recipe on the weekends on a fairly regular basis. There's just enough spice to make you aware of its presence, but not so much that you're overwhelmed by the contingent of flavors. You may think we're crazy for suggesting putting black pepper in your coffee, but I promise it's balanced by the array of sweeter and more powerful spices. When we're out of milk and want something a step up from regular French press coffee, this is what we turn to.

However, we're about to run out of weekends where we just get to lounge at home and drink fancy coffee drinks! Springtime is coming around the corner and with it, so are busy busy weekends for both of us. My new position as Assistant Director, Alumni Events, means I'm giving up 3-4 weekends starting next week, with various events we have going on. Next weekend, we'll be up in DC for the W&M Alumni Auction, then in April I've got Young Guarde Day, 50th Reunion weekend, followed quickly by Commencement weekend in May. Sprinkle Will's school commitments in there and these lazy weekend mornings will be a luxury of the past for us soon! Next thing we know, summer will be here with Will jetting off to Italy for a short abroad program, while I hold down the fort here in Williamsburg. Then in July we'll be camping and listening to music at Floydfest and before we know it, fall semester will be here. So much to look forward to but we're quickly realizing how soon we'll be running out of time! When all the scheduling madness begins, promise us you'll enjoy some lazy weekend mornings with fancy coffees on our behalf, please.

Moroccan Spiced Coffee Mix (for 6 cups worth of coffee)
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 freshly ground black pepper
4-6 cups French press coffee

Combine all spices in a small bowl. When serving with coffee, combine 1/4 tsp of spiced coffee mix per cup of coffee. Tastes best with French press coffee!

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