Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chicken and Wild Rice Salad

There was not enough of this salad!! It was extremely delightful with the grapes and chicken, giving the recipe just a little taste of sweet, with a hint of saltiness. I wish we had doubled this recipe so we could have enjoyed more per serving, since we were trying to make it last the whole week. This salad seemed refreshing, probably because it was our first non-quinoa or couscous salad in awhile! It was also nice to be able to have a chicken salad of some kind, since we often only get meat once a week for dinner. However, EarthFare had reduced the price per pound for chicken, so we stocked up and enjoyed a little extra this week! It really helped to fill out the salad some, since sometimes our other salads can be a bit on the lighter side.

Cooking Notes: The original recipe called a box of wild rice, but we used our wild rice mix from the bulk section at EarthFare. Will also decided to use two chicken breasts, which ended up being about one pound worth of chicken; the original recipe calls for 3 cups. Will also added a little extra mayo, but that's probably because we had 2 oz. more rice than the recipe called for.

Chicken and Wild Rice Salad (adapted from The Kitchn; serves 8)
1 cup wild rice
1 lb. chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
1 cup green grapes, cut into quarters or eighths
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
1/2+ cup light mayo
Salt & pepper, to taste

Cook wild rice according to package directions, erring on the side of al dente. Mix cooked rice, chicken, grapes, almonds, and mayo together in a large bowl. Season generously with S&P, adjusting ingredients to taste. Keep refrigerated and enjoy throughout the week!

Recipe: The Kitchn: Chicken and Wild Rice Salad

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