Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Stuffed Acorn Squash

We finally returned to the Farmer's Market for the first time in months! I think part of the reason I may have avoided going was because I thought I would be a little depressed that Florida offered summer veggies into the late fall, thus eliminating the fall season entirely. That and there's a great yoga class I like going to at 10 on Saturday's which eats up prime Farmer's Market time (for a good reason). But whatever my excuses have been, I decided it was important to go back this past weekend, primarily because I was extremely curious about what Florida/Georgia farmers grow this time of year. It's still in the 50s/60s on most days, so that barely even qualifies as "fall" weather and certainly rules out any type of "winter" weather (though it has been getting into the 30s...some nights). My curiosity was quenched after our visit this weekend where we stocked up on yellow summer squash, a giant carrot, green beans, broccoli, snowpeas, and the big acorn squash! Several of these veggies fall under the "Autumn" category in our Simply in Season cookbook, making it the obvious place to turn for figuring out what to make with all our goodies!

The first recipe we pulled out was for "Stuffed Acorn Squash." The recipe offered several options for stuffing the squash and we decided to go with a mushroom stuffing, despite the temptations of the multiple sausage stuffings that were suggested.

One thing I learned during the process of this meal was that you don't really want to eat the squash skin...it's a bit...tough.

Cooking Notes: The original recipe calls for 2-3 large acorn squash, but we got 1 medium sized squash to split, so we cut the mushroom stuffing recipe in half. We also added about 1/4 tsp white ground pepper, which is the only alteration we made. If we make it again, I would cut back the cook time for the squash, since we only had one, because it went for 40 minutes and borderlined on being squishy. We only cooked it with the stuffing for 15 minutes. The halved recipe is reflected below.

Stuffed Acorn Squash (adapted from Simply in Season, serves 2)
1 large acorn squash
1/2 onion, chopped
1/4 cup mushrooms, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 cup bread crumbs
1/4 tsp sage
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp white ground pepper
4-5 cranks of ground black pepper

Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Cut squash in half and remove seeds and strings (to make this easier, pierce squash with a knife and microwave a minute or two). Place cut side down on lightly greased baking sheet with sides. Bake until almost soft but not mushy, 40-50 minutes. When done, remove from oven and stuffing with stuffings and finish baking as directed.

While squash is baking, in a large frypan saute the onion, mushroom, and garlic with some olive oil, until soft. Add remaining ingredients and stuffed into cooked squash. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes.

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