Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kale and Lentils with Tahini Sauce

When we got back from our mini-vacation to the beach yesterday, we really wanted to eat something healthy, light, and quick for dinner. We didn't exactly feel like cooking, but we definitely did not want to eat out again, since we had spent the last few days indulging on fresh seafood from the coast. I was really craving kale (which is weird, right?) and remembered that I had pulled out a listing of ten kale recipes from Real Simple a couple months ago. So I turned to those pages to see what I could come up with that would hopefully require only purchasing kale. I lucked out and found an enticing recipe that called for kale, lentils, and tahini, which are all things we like. Plus, I knew that the lentils would make the meal seem more filling than it otherwise might.

After a fantastic yin yoga class where we stretched out from lots of biking and horseback riding on the beach (talk about sore hips and knees!), we swung by EarthFare to pick up our kale, which was the only ingredient we didn't have on hand. I started the lentils when we got home, tore up about half the kale we got, and mixed the sauce together, all in less than 30 minutes. We also had leftover baked potatoes from the beach condo that we reheated and mixed with some sour cream and feta cheese, to accompany the kale and lentils. The dish turned out to be more flavorful than was expected, with a strong taste of lemon and sesame that comes from the tahini sauce. And as expected, the lentils (plus the potato) helped to fill us up quickly, causing us to actually return a little bit of each part of the meal back to the skillet to enjoy for leftovers! The kale left us feeling cleansed, the lentils left us full, and the tahini sauce was what brought the dish together. Overall, I would highly recommend making this on a night when you don't feel like doing much of anything else! It also makes great leftovers, if you let the tahini sauce absorb into the kale and lentils overnight.

Cooking Notes: The recipe calls for a can of lentils, but I cooked my own brown lentils which only takes 20 minutes. I've included that in the recipe below, which is the only alteration!

Kale and Lentils with Tahini Sauce (adapted from Real Simple; serves 4)
1 cup brown lentils (or 1 15-oz. can of lentils, rinsed)
1 medium bunch of kale, torn
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp water
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1/4 cup water

Begin by cooking the lentils. Rinse the lentils in a strainer, striving to get the water to run clear. Then place the lentils in a pot with 1 1/2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Allow lentils to simmer for approximately 20 minutes or until the water is mostly gone.

Tear a bunch of kale into bite size pieces, then rinse under cool water. In a large skillet, cook the kale with 1/4 cup water over medium heat, covered. Check and stir occasionally, making sure the kale cooks, but does not wilt.

While kale and lentils are cooking, prepare tahini sauce. Whisk together tahini, lemon juice, olive oil, and water in a small bowl. Season with 3/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper.

Once lentils and kale are ready, drain and fold in the lentils into the kale. Pour tahini sauce over and serve!

Recipe: Real Simple: Kale and Lentils with Tahini Sauce

Enjoying my new white plate and colorful placemats!

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