Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia

This is not an exaggeration. This tilapia recipe was fantastic! So fantastic that it's the type of tilapia dinner you actually want to make, instead of just having that "oh yeah...tilapia again" sensation. I had really fallen in love with our Blackened Tilapia that we've been making recently, so when Will suggested this I was hesitant because it was not as exciting sounding as a spicy tilapia. However, he validated his reasoning for making it because we already had the ginger and cilantro on hand and needed to use it, so I said my normal response of "sure, whatever, fine-make what you want." Well, it certainly did not disappoint and the flavors were so potent, without being overly powerful! It's making me want it again just thinking about it (this post is a couple weeks behind).

Cooking Notes: Will did not use a jalapeno for this dish. He also substituted rice wine vinegar for the white wine (we only had red wine on hand when he made this). We had also had chives on hand from the Irish Potato Bread so he used those instead of green onions. He also used our Yellow Jasmine Rice recipe, but substituted in brown rice instead of jasmine rice, which meant the rice had to cook longer.

Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia (adapted from The Kitchn; serves 2)
2 tilapia fillets (we used fresh this time)
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
3 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1 inch fresh ginger, grated~1 tbsp
1 jalapeno pepper, roughly chopped
1/3 cup roughly chopped cilantro leaves
1/4 cup white wine (or rice wine vinegar)
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
Scallions or chives, to garnish
Extra cilantro, to garnish

Heat the oven to 475 degrees. Pat the fish dry, season lightly with salt and pepper, and lay in a square ceramic or glass baking dish. Put the garlic, grated ginger, chopped jalapeno, and cilantro in a small food processor with the white wine (or rice wine vinegar), soy sauce, and sesame oil. Whir until blended. Pour the sauce over the fish, rubbing it in a little. Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily and is cooked through. It will be very moist and even a little gelantinous, still. Serve immediately over or with brown rice, garnished with scallions/chives and cilantro.

Recipe: The Kitchn: Ginger and Cilantro Baked Tilapia

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