Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quinoa with Corn and Scallions

This is another Pinterest lunch recipe! I had pinned this picture way long ago and have rediscovered it several times without really feeling the urge to make it. This past week Will and I wanted something that would be plentiful and would hold us over until his parents arrived for the holidays. Since the recipe called for 2 cups of quinoa, we knew it would create a large quantity and we already had everything on hand, so we decided to make it. Plus the picture with the little pops of yellow and green just looked so cute!

Usually Will is the one who makes our weekly lunches so I decided this week it would be my turn, especially since it was a recipe I was more interested in than he was. Plus, I haven't cooked a lot of quinoa, so I figured it was as good a time as any to learn. Needless to say, the whole experience was pretty painless and probably the most challenging thing was to rinse 2 cups worth of quinoa in our small strainer, since it holds approximately 2 cups of anything-it was nearly impossible not to spill it everywhere, especially since Will had me get my hand in the quinoa to move it around so it would rinse more evenly. In the future, I might alter some of the ingredients a bit and definitely wouldn't make it with as much quinoa-it was a bit too overpowering for my liking and I never felt like each bite had enough corn or scallions or dressing.

Cooking Notes: I think there is a bit too much quinoa in this recipe, so I would perhaps only make it with 1 cup the next time. Will also discovered that if you want to add more flavor, take a smidgen of butter and put it on top of a bowl of the quinoa salad, then melt it in the microwave for 45 second-1 minute. The warm quinoa with the extra butter is delectable!

Quinoa with Corn and Scallions (adapted from Just a Taste; serves 6-8)
12 oz. frozen corn
1 tbsp fresh lemon zest
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1/2 stick unsalted butter, melted
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 cups uncooked quinoa
4 scallions, chopped

Cook corn in a pot according to package directions. While corn is cooking, prepare the dressing by whisking together lemon zest, lemon juice, melted butter, honey, and S&P in a large bowl. Once that is complete, rinse the uncooked quinoa in a small strainer under cold water until the water runs clear, making sure to mix the quinoa so the water can reach as many grains as possible. Cook the quinoa in a pot of boiling salted water according to package directions. Add the quinoa, corn kernels, and chopped scallions to a bowl, pour dressing over it and toss until evenly coated.

Recipe: Just a Taste: Quinoa with Corn and Scallions

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