Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Squash Skillet

I did not forget about the blog this week, although having my computer out for repair has made me tend to forget several things. However, the blog was not one of them. After gazpacho-ing it up for a couple days, we had a slew of Naan bread pizzas for several nights, and between the two meals we were set for the week. Well, other than 4th of July when we treated ourselves to some fresh sausages, potato salad (for free from Earthfare) and watermelon, but that involved grilling the sausages and that was it!

While it is deceptive that we haven't been busy in the kitchen, that is not the case. Today, we spent the better part of our afternoon prepping our salad for the week, pesto for tonight's dinner, and other snack foods. But Will definitely left me an easy dinner tonight! Summer Squash Skillet from our Simply in Season cookbook with some Israeli couscous. He even was kind enough to cut up the onion for me before heading off to his soccer game. So here it is!

Summer Squash Skillet (adapted from Simply in Season; serves 4)
4 cups diced summer squash
1/2 cup onion, diced
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 tbsp pesto*

Saute squash, onion, S&P together in 1 tbsp oil until tender. When ready, add pesto.

*Will taught me his version of pesto today, which seems fairly simple. Take a bunch of basil leaves (we get ours fresh from our plant), toasted pine nuts, parmesan, olive oil, a couple cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, and white pepper. Blend in a food processor until creamy. The main ingredients are the basil leaves, toasted pine nuts, garlic and olive oil, with a pinch of the spices.

Our simple, gourmet take on 4th of July dinner!

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