Thursday, March 19, 2015

Gin & Tonic

We had the distinct pleasure of hosting our friend Dan last week during spring break. I met Dan while I was in grad school in Florida and knew that he and Will would definitely need to become friends. Fast forward a couple years and Dan is also living in Virginia, working towards his DMA in French Horn performance. A brother in the same fraternity as Will and a man with a dry wit, Dan finally came down to Williamsburg to visit the colonial capital and hang out with us and the monsters. Emma took a particular liking to him and I'm still wishing he had taken her back with him...she was forlorn for days after he left. It was fun having him around as we showed off the colonial part of Williamsburg, visited Jamestowne Island (the real original settlement), shared some local brews and old (and new) Virginia food, and were serenaded by Dan on both horn and ukulele. It was nice having someone in town who was not part of our everyday crowd!

One of Dan's favorite drinks to make is a gin & tonic and we were happy to have the master make them for us. Having recently purchased a bottle of legitimate gin at Rock Town Distillery in Little Rock, we cracked it open and let Dan treat us. I think we were all surprised at how smooth this gin and tonic was - we couldn't determine if we were getting older or if the gin was really just that good. But Dan mastered the proportions of gin to tonic appropriately and we sipped on these each night he was in town. We were so glad he came to visit and can't wait to visit him again in Harrisonburg for his next recital in April!!

Gin & Tonic
2.25 oz. gin (or one and a half shots)
4-5 oz. tonic water
1 lime wedge

Fill a glass halfway with ice cubes, then pour over gin. Next, pour over tonic water, to fill the glass. Stir well, then garnish with a lime wedge. Make sure to use high-quality gin (our favorite is Arkansas-based Rock Town Distillery). Enjoy!*

*If it's a lower quality gin, only use 1 shot.

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