Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vanilla Hot Toddy

Well wasn't today just the perfect little snow day! Despite the cats' best efforts, we got to sleep in, drink peppermint hot cocoa mochas while watching the snow fall, bid farewell to Pawnee, install new curtains in the bedroom, tromp around (and clear out) some snow, bake cookies and we are now relaxing after taking a hot shower after all of our shoveling! Of course the perfect addition to our evening has been a new twist on one of Will's favorite drinks, the hot toddy. Warm, spicy and sweet, this beverage will put you right to sleep if you aren't careful! A traditional winter beverage, this is often what Will makes us in the evenings, after dinner, so of course today could be no exception. So put on your fuzzy slippers and mix up one of these to significantly improve your snowed-in evening!

Preparation Notes: Will used bourbon instead of whiskey, which is what this originally called for. And we used bourbon vanilla extract as opposed to plain vanilla extract, which really amped up the special powers of this beverage.

Vanilla Hot Toddy (adapted from The Kitchn; serves 1)
1 tsp honey
5 whole cloves
1 whole anise star
1 cinnamon stick
1 1/2 oz. bourbon or whiskey
1/4 tsp bourbon vanilla extract
1 slice lemon
1/2 cup boiling water

Add the honey, vanilla extract and spices to a heat-proof snifter or mug. Pour in the water, add the bourbon and squeeze the lemon and drop it into the glass. Stir until the honey is melted and enjoy!

Recipe: The Kitchn; Whiskey Vanilla Hot Toddy

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