Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Miso-Tahini Noodles with Crispy Tofu

So we've been having a love affair with tofu recently, if you haven't noticed. It has entered into our kitchen and our hearts, more than we had initially imagined. When Chipotle offered its Sofritas BOGO deal the other week, we got really excited; that is, until the guy in front of me got the last helping of Sofritas in Williamsburg. Then we were sad. But we have the GO part of the deal, so we will try it then! But more increasingly, I'm finding that depending on the occasion and restaurant, I have become more inclined to go for the tofu option, over any sort of meat. Sometimes for the principle of it, sometimes for what the dish is. I still haven't decided my meat/no meat preference, but since Will isn't willing to give up meat yet, I guess we're going to keep cooking it! I think we all know that the menu selections aren't up to me, which is why I can present you with this dish today. Based off of many other recipes Will has tried, he came up with this one on his own using a few of my favorite things: tofu, soba noodles and miso. And folks, I speak the truth when I tell you it was heaven. I attribute it mostly to the soba noodles because they are hands-down one of my top five favorite things to eat. But seriously - this little recipe is genius. I'd say this will be the one that gets us a million bucks, but after looking at last weeks stats, I think that may be either Maple Bacon Doughnuts or Chili con Queso. Hilarious, considering that the healthy recipes on this blog far outweigh the unhealthy!

Speaking of healthy, what you put in your body and what you do with it really do have an effect on how you feel overall. I had taken an unintentional break from a regular yoga practice and after going three times in the last week, I feel like magic again! I have SO much energy that I'm kind of like Emma, but without the ginger fur and whiskers. I think Will might murder me because the energy is annoying him - oh well, I'll just send him some more positive vibes! But seriously, I had kind of forgotten what it was like to eat well and move your body, as opposed to sitting like a lump in a chair all day then going home and sitting like a lump on the couch, eating marginally healthy foods. It really does make a difference in how you feel (duh, I know). I've already noticed a marked difference in how I feel/act after one spinning class and three yoga classes. Last night there was running for the first time in.....okay, let's not go there. And then more yoga today. And tomorrow. And the next day. And then YoSpin? What even is that? Who cares! And then work, all weekend. That last one really doesn't fit in with the rest of the week but alas, it's a necessary evil. It'll be okay because after all that yoga, I'll be so hyped up it won't matter. Anywho, moral of the rambly story: eat good foods like these and do some yoga and you'll be a happy camper.

Miso-Tahini Noodles with Crispy Tofu
8 oz. soba noodles
8 oz. broccolini
8 oz. extra firm tofu
2 green onions, sliced
1/2 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp cornstarch
2 -3 tbsp grapeseed oil (peanut or other high-heat oil is fine here)
1 tbsp rice vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
1/3 cup tahini
1 tbsp miso paste
1 tsp lemon juice

Begin by draining the tofu (link) for at least 30 minutes. Slice the tofu into 1/4"-thick pieces. Make marinade in a shallow dish, by mixing rice vinegar, soy sauce and toasted sesame oil. Lay the tofu in the marinade and let sit for 15 minutes, flipping once halfway through, allowing the tofu to absorb the marinade. Spread cornstarch on a small plate, then remove the tofu from the marinade, spreading it through the cornstarch, coating both sides.

Begin to heat water for broccolini and soba noodles, in separate pots. Prepare dressing by mixing together tahini, miso paste and lemon juice with a fork in a small bowl. Heat the grapeseed oil in a large cast-iron skillet (or heavy-bottomed frying pan) until shimmering. Cook tofu for 4-5 minutes on each side, until crispy. While tofu cooks, make your soba noodles according to package directions (boiling 4-5 minutes). Steam your broccolini for 4-5 minutes or until bright green and tender. Once tofu is done cooking, remove from pan and drain on a paper towel. Drain noodles and broccolini. Toss the noodles, broccolini and dressing together in a large bowl, then serve topped with crispy tofu, sliced green onions and sesame seeds. Enjoy!

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