Sunday, December 28, 2014

Rum Balls

Well folks, we hope you had a lovely season of holidays and are gearing up for the new year! We have been having a lovely break so far, including spending Christmas in Fairfax, Boxing Day in Blacksburg, and then have now made our way to Arkansas to spend the majority of the rest of our break! We have been enjoying eating lots of different and new recipes, including some fun Southern foods, like this recipe. After spending 12 hours in the car driving from Virginia to Arkansas yesterday, I could've stood to have a batch of these rum balls around. But alas, they are still in Fairfax, but available to you here.

There is something inherently wonderful about being able to get your dessert and alcohol all in one big bite. These balls (which can be made with bourbon or brandy) satisfy all your seasonal alcohol needs - think of it as a way to get a buzz without being accused of drinking too much wine. They keep for several weeks and actually are better the longer you let them sit. These would be a hit at a party or at your own holiday dessert table, depending on who you're partying with. Give these balls a shot, as they are guaranteed to be a hit!

Notes: These balls are originally from a bourbon balls recipe, but can be made with rum or brandy, as well.

Rum Balls (adapted from The Williamsburg Cookbook; makes 36-42 balls)
2 cups vanilla wafer crumbs
2 tbsp cocoa
1 1/2 cups confectioner's sugar, divided
1 cup pecans, very finely chopped
2 tbsp white corn syrup
1/4 cup rum

Mix the vanilla wafer crumbs, cocoa, 1 cup of confectioner's sugar and pecans in a large bowl. Add the corn syrup and rum, mixing well. Place the remaining confectioner's sugar in a small bowl without low sides. Shape into 1" balls and roll in the small bowl of sugar. Put in a tightly covered tin box or other metal contained for at least 12 hours before serving. Enjoy!*

*These keep well for 4-5 weeks, because alcohol.

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