Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Polenta Cakes and Egg

Happy hump day, readers! I sadly woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday, which meant I was in for a surprise when I opened my calendar, only to find out that it was still just Wednesday. But that's okay, because I get to spend my day in a social media conference that while directly related to higher education, will be translatable to other areas of life (i.e. the blog, future jobs, just general good practices and tips). So I'm actually excited that it's Wednesday because that means I get to spend most of my day learning more about a skillset that can always use improving. It also means I have one more day in the week before a crazy busy weekend kicks off, involving a lot of Williamsburg Symphonia time (seasonal pops concerts), some fun time in Richmond and good ol' Grand Illumination. It may not actually hurt to have the extra day in the week, since the weekend is seemingly more exhausting, looking ahead! Knowing each day is one day closer to winter break, gives me something to look forward to, at least.

Now, in regards to this recipe, it seems complicated, but it's really not hard to  cook - it's more a challenge to organize all of the moving pieces involved in getting this from stovetop to plate. Well, let's put it this way - Will made it seem fairly straightforward, so I can't actually attest to the supposed ease of this meal, but as long as you have the cooking skills Will does, you'll be just fine! In reality though, if you read through the recipe, you can see that nothing in particular is individually challenging, but that it's a game of preparation and timing things appropriately. It makes for a nice, light weekday dinner that allows for you to practice new skills!

Cooking Notes: The original recipe called for tomatoes and mushrooms to be the veggies, but Will decided to do tomatoes and spinach, which is reflected below. He followed the instructions for making the polenta cakes and the poached eggs, as well as the assembly of the entire project.

Polenta Cakes and Egg (serves 4; inspired by The Kitchn)
Polenta Cakes
18-oz. roll of cooked polenta
2 tbsp olive oil
Poached Eggs
4 large eggs
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 oz. spinach
1 tbsp olive oil

To make the polenta cakes, begin by slicing the polenta into 8-10 slices, about 1/2" thick. Pat each dry as thoroughly as you can, without disintegrating the polenta. Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a 10" skillet over medium-high heat. When it is quite hot, place the polenta slices in the pan carefully, doing up to 5 at a time, but without crowding the skillet. Cook the polenta cakes for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until crispy. Remove to a plate and cover to keep warm until ready to assemble.

While the polenta are crisping, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil over medium heat in a separate skillet. Once warm, toss in the tomatoes and garlic, sauting for 2-3 minutes or until garlic is soft and fragrant. Add the spinach and 1 tbsp water, then cover and cook for 3-5 minutes until wilted. Leave covered and remove from heat when done, to stay warm until ready to assemble.

While the polenta and veggies are cooking, prep to poach your eggs. Bring a small saucepan 3/4 of the way full with water, to a boil over high heat. Lower the heat to low and bring the water back down to a low simmer. There should only be a few bubbles hitting the surface. Crack each egg individually into a measuring cup or ramekin. Slowly lower the cup into the barely simmering water and tip the individual egg out into the water. Set a timer for 4 minutes, making sure the egg white is coagulating in the water. Use a slotted spoon to make a more compact shape, if you'd like. Otherwise, just keep an eye on the water's heat ensuring it doesn't return to a boil. After the 4 minutes have passed,  remove the egg with the slotted spoon, placing on a plate lined with a paper towel and gently blot it dry. Continue until you have made as many eggs as you like, or if only doing 1-2 eggs, they can share the pot.

Once the polenta cakes, veggies and eggs are ready, begin to assemble. Place two polenta cakes on the plate, first. Then top with the veggies and gently place the poached egg on top. Sprinkle with S&P and parmesan. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Recipe Inspiration: The Kitchn: Eggy Crispy Polenta

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