Sunday, April 6, 2014

Thai Green Curry Shrimp

I just got finished reading an inspirational post about food blogging and what to talk about in a food blog. This post definitely hit home because recently I feel like I've run out of things to talk about, other than the food itself. And while yes, the focus of the blog is the food, that doesn't mean I couldn't write about more engaging things, like our crazy cats, my new job or Will's insane semester. I mean for goodness sake - yesterday was my first major event that I was in charge of at my new job and after 16+ hours at work, Emma decided it was the perfect night to knock all my jewelry off the walls, chew on the twinkle lights surrounding our bedroom and tear up the carpet outside the door when I shut her out. Thanks a lot cat. I could also own up to the fact that Will and I have been so busy the last week that we've eaten pizza for the last four out of five meals. Yikes! That's kind of embarrassing when you have a food blog and are always told your recipes look "fancy" and "complicated." While I appreciate the compliment, a) our recipes aren't usually incredibly difficult and b) we just like trying new things and encourage you to do the same! You don't know you don't like Brussel sprouts or eggplant until you try them! That being said, we did throw a coq au vin recipe on our weekly menu....

I could just tell you about how lovely this recipe was. Or that is was a bit reminiscent of our Thai Green Curry Vegetables. Or that overall, it was pretty simple to make and that you should never ever shy away from any recipe where all the instructions are in one paragraph - that means it's straightforward friends! But what is probably more entertaining is that I had to have Will literally dictate what he was doing at each step in order to write this down. And that to be completely honest, when we post original recipes, we sometimes aren't quite 100% sure of the measurements because my darling husband tends to eyeball how he measures things (driving me, as the blogger, insane). So far though, no one's ever complained, though I do have to wonder...

I could also tell you that I just caught a typo in this recipe before posting it: "lime juice" was originally in here as "life juice." Much funnier than just reading about how much I love coconut milk, right?? Anywho, thanks Lindsay for reminding me the real reason why I blog - not solely to document Will's cooking (as well as my recent endeavors) but to share with those around us how what's going on in our kitchen is reflective of our lives! And in the case of this particular recipe, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Thai Green Curry Shrimp
2 tbsp Thai green curry paste
1 inch ginger, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 lb. shrimp, peeled
1 15-oz. can coconut milk
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp Thai fish sauce
Lime juice, to taste
6 green onions, cut diagonally into 1-2-inch long pieces

Make rice for serving. In a sauce pan or a wok, heat a 1/4 cup coconut milk. Add green curry paste, ginger and garlic and stir-fry to release aromas (about 30 seconds - 1 minute). Add the rest of the coconut milk, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Add shrimp and green onions (and any other veggies you'd like), cooking 3-5 minutes until shrimp have just turned pink. Add brown sugar and fish sauce and simmer for 1 more minute. Serve over rice, garnish with cilantro, mint or Thai basil (none pictured) and roasted peanuts. Sprinkle lime juice, to taste. Enjoy!

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