Sunday, March 2, 2014


Here's the perfect Sunday morning post for YOU! Who doesn't love a little extra time on the weekends to sleep in, then lazily get up and make yourself a fancy coffee drink and a breakfast like chocolate donut holes or the more savory huevos rancheros? Lazy weekend mornings are probably one of my favorite moments of each week (especially if I can even have a lazy weekend morning) because Will spoils me to a frothy drink of some variety and then one of us whips up a good, time-consuming breakfast. At best, we'll be ready to leave the apartment by noon on these days. So what better to offer you than a simple, straightforward latte recipe? I've snuck maple lattes onto your radar, but what if you just want a normal latte? I used to think these fancy-sounding drinks were much more complicated than they actually are. I used to have a mocha-latte maker and the number of ingredients I would need for a mocha just seemed absurd (albeit good)! So when Will showed me how simple making a latte was, I couldn't believe it. Granted, he had a few months experience working in a coffee shop, but his at home techniques were still pretty cool. I present you with the most basic latte recipe you could ever need.

Latte (serves 2)
2 shots espresso (you can make it with regular coffee if you don't have espresso)
1/2 cup milk

Make espresso or coffee, to your liking (here's a great set of instructions for stovetop espresso). Once brewed, pour your espresso into a coffee cup. Pour milk in a microwave-safe container, with a lid (a Mason jar works well for this). Shake vigorously, until frothy. Remove lid and place container in microwave for 30 seconds on high. Spoon frothy milk over top of your espresso. Enjoy!

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