Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Maple Bacon Buttermilk Doughnuts

Yes, you read that title correctly. Maple. Bacon. Buttermilk. Doughnuts. All homemade, all amazing. Inspired by Duck Donuts, which just arrived here in Williamsburg, the maple bacon doughnut was born unto our kitchen this past weekend. While our glaze was not nearly as perfect as theirs, the beautifully baked doughnut and the salty bacon ultimately created the correct combination of tasty and delicious. This was our first foray into full-size doughnut making and I have to say, we're pretty excited about it. While we were on our honeymoon in Vermont, we got the opportunity to swing by King Arthur Flour and do some serious oggling of pre-made mixes. After much debating, we decided the one mix we would get would be a doughnut mix, to try out in our new doughnut pans that we received as a wedding gift. I figured it would be the "safest" way to attempt our first couple batches of doughnuts. We picked a basic buttermilk mix because a) it sounded wonderful and b) it would most likely be compatible with any toppings/glazes we would want on our doughnuts. As you can imagine, it didn't take long (ummm 5 days?) after we got home before our curiosity overcame us and we had to make doughnuts.

I consulted King Arthur Flour's website for some tips on maple glazes, in addition to hitting up my girl Sally, for general glaze-making techniques. Between the two, I derived a "glaze" (if you can even call it that) that had a fantastic maple flavor, though not much glaze-quality to it. But if your purpose in producing food is flavor, then this hits the spot. I followed the package directions for making the mix, used a batter distribution technique Sally suggested and then popped the doughnuts in the oven to bake. Once they were out, I popped them out of their pans, dunked them in my "glaze" and then after letting them dry for a couple minutes, sprinkled them with fresh-cooked bacon. Let me know if you're not drooling by this point! We made these with a tasty homemade maple latte, also inspired from our honeymoon and a coffeestand in Burlington. Don't be surprised if maple ends up in more of our upcoming recipes...that is, once I catch up on the other fourteen that I need to prep! It's really no joke that they use it and put it on everything in Vermont, but after a mere week, I am a convert. I already have several recipes I've brainstormed to use syrup as the magic ingredient - I just hope they pan out! For now, enjoy our homemade maple bacon buttermilk doughnuts!

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Maple Bacon Buttermilk Doughnuts (adapted from King Arthur Flour; makes 8-10 doughnuts)
1 package of pre-made buttermilk doughnut mix from King Arthur Flour
1/2 cup sifted confectioner's sugar
2 tbsp milk
2 tbsp maple syrup

Make doughnut batter according to package directions (click here for a basic baked doughnut recipe). Pour batter into a gallon-size plastic bag, seal and then cut a bottom corner in order to strategically pour out batter. Fill doughnut pan molds 2/3 full with batter, at most. Bake according to package directions (about 10-15 minutes), then gently pop out of pan onto a cooling rack before glazing.

While doughnuts are baking, prepare the glaze. Heat and whisk maple syrup over low heat. Add milk and sifted confectioner's sugar, slowly whisking until no clumps remain. Keep over low heat until ready to dunk doughnuts. When doughnuts have cooled for 1-2 minutes on cooling rack, dip the doughnuts twice into the glaze, for optimal flavor. (I chose to dip all doughnuts once, then dip them all a second time, instead of dipping twice in a row, back to back.) Allow glaze to set for 1 minute, then sprinkle crumbled bacon on top. Serve with a maple latte, bacon and a side of heart attack!

Recipe and glaze inspiration/back-up plan: King Arthur Flour: Maple-Glazed Bacon Doughnuts

Maple Lattes (serves 2)
2 shots espresso (you can make it with regular coffee if you don't have espresso)
Drizzle of maple syrup
1/2 cup milk

Make espresso or coffee, to your liking (here's a great set of instructions for stovetop espresso). Pour a drizzle of maple syrup in the bottom of your espresso/coffee cup and pour in your espresso. Pour milk in a microwave-safe container, with a lid (a Mason jar works well for this). Shake vigorously, until frothy. Remove lid and place container in microwave for 30 seconds on high. Spoon frothy milk over top of your espresso/maple mixture. Enjoy!

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