Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Announcement

Happy New Year from the Cooking With Willis team! We know it's been an inconsistent last couple of months and we would like to announce we are going on hiatus until mid-January, due to our upcoming wedding and honeymoon! We've got a large backlog of recipes, so get ready for us to bring in 2014 with a bang! As always, thanks for reading and supporting the blog. You are sincerely appreciated and CWW really had a great year in 2013. Here's to an even better 2014 for this little blog!

Previews of recipes to come:
Wiener Schnitzel and Spaetzle (New Years Eve dinner)
Butterscotch Brownies
Christmas Chicken
Caramel Surprise Snickerdoodles
Homemade Basil Gnocchi

....and the list goes on and on!

Happy cooking! And we'll be a little busy getting married on the day of CWW's 2-year blogiversary, so celebrate by cooking without us!

Megan & Will

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