Sunday, December 8, 2013

Becky's Chicken Salad

Om nom nom. This is the best thing ever. My mom's friend Becky had this for the bridal shower she threw me, primarily to use the last of her dill for the season, straight from her garden. It was such a hit that it had me (and the band moms) clamoring for the recipe, to the point where she had to distribute it to everyone who came to the party! My friends, this recipe is just THAT great. I'm sure at this point in my blog, you're a little jaded with my declaration that every recipe we make is good, great, fantastic, etc. I've just gotten to the point where if a recipe isn't good, I don't need to blog about it. We have enough things produced in our kitchen that I have a plethora to talk about and am already almost a month behind anyways! But the problem is, most of what we make turns out really well, which is why I get on my soap box and declare that these foods are the best thing ever. Now this recipe in particular? It actually is the best thing ever. Believe me on this one!

The reason you should believe me is this: we rarely make recipes twice. Thus why you see so much variety on this blog. However, we made this recipe for lunch two weeks in a row and were prepared to make it for a third, before time overcame us and we forgot to unfreeze the chicken (whoops). Will also usually doesn't tend to believe me when I make my declarations about things being the "best ever" so when I bragged about this amazing chicken salad I had at my bridal shower, he didn't believe me. I've converted him - he agrees that this by far is the best chicken salad recipe we've ever had and possibly one of the best lunch salads we've made! The mixture of flavors really brings out a complex combination for the palette, much moreso than you would expect chicken salad to have. It's a must-try and will leave you craving more!

Becky's Chicken Salad (serves 6-8)
3 cups (more or less) cooked chicken
2 stalks celery (with leaves)
3 green onions
Water chestnuts (optional)
1/2 cup mayo
1/2 cup sour cream
Fresh dill, chopped, about a palm full
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp brown sugar

Cut the cooked chicken in fairly large chunks. Dice the celery and celery leaves fairly finely. Slice the scallions (both the white and green part) thinly. Dice the water chestnuts finely (if adding). Mix all in a large bowl.

In a smaller bowl, mix the mayo, sour cream, chopped dill, lemon juice, brown sugar, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. You can choose to add a generous amount of cayenne pepper and several shakes of Hungarian paprika for extra flavor. Pour the dressing over the chicken mixture and toss gently. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight before enjoying!

Extra tips:
- Taste for seasoning-it may need more salt.
- This is MUCH better with a mixture of white and dark meat - you can use 3-4 boneless breasts and 3 boneless thighs.
- Water chestnuts add a delightful crunch. You can get them either sliced or whole; use about 12 sliced or 7 whole chestnuts.
- Whatever you do, DO NOT use grapes in this recipe! If you do, do not call it "Becky's chicken salad"!!

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