Saturday, September 28, 2013

Heath Toffee & Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies

Cookies cookies cookies. I love cookies. It's becoming a problem! When I visit cooking/baking websites, I go straight for the cookies. I'm pretty sure making cookies can be considered one of my hobbies. I just love cookies! I love trying new recipes, I love making old recipes, and occasionally, I can be creative enough to come up with my own recipes. This particular recipe was one I contrived a few years ago, based on a request from Will. I believe we were shopping for semisweet chips for regular chocolate chip cookies (or maybe mint), when Will spotted the Heath toffee crunch bits. Apparently he really likes toffee and requested that I buy a bag and make something with it. I was picking up a bunch of other chips that day and by the time I got around to first trying the Heath, I only had dark chocolate chips left to go with them. The union of the Heath toffee and the dark chocolate chips was created and it's been a hit ever since!

Basically this recipe is just my normal chocolate chip cookie recipe, enhanced with Heath bits. It makes the dough a lot thicker of a consistency, because you're doubling the amount of stuff you're putting in it at the end. However, by the time it bakes and the Heath melts down, it all works out okay and you don't end up with an oddly-proportioned cookie. Sometimes these little buggers will give me a hard time and glue themselves to the cookie sheet once they've baked, so if you're really concerned about that, I recommend putting some parchment paper on your sheets--that way, if anything gets stuck, you can just discard the parchment paper, instead of scraping goo off your pans before having to throw more dough on! All and all, if you want to make a normal chocolate chip cookie, but give it a little something extra, then I recommend this recipe!!

Baking Notes: I shortchanged this batch of cookies a little bit because I only had 2/3 cup of brown sugar available, but oh well--still turned out well!

Heath Toffee & Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 cups flour
Dark chocolate morsels

Blend butter and shortening together with an electric mixer. Add sugars and blend again. Then add eggs and vanilla, beating until smooth. Add baking soda and salt, then one cup flour and begin to blend. Slowly add the other 2 cups of flour until mixture forms dough. Fold in Heath until well mixed, then fold in dark chocolate morsels. *Chill for a few hours. Then bake at 350 for 11-13 minutes. Cool on a wire rack and enjoy!

*I find cookie dough more reliable to work with if I've pre-chilled it. It leads to less sloppy cookie shapes. However, in this instance, I let mine chill overnight and I think it actually got the toffee pieces too mixed in, so I definitely caution you to only chill it for a couple hours!

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