Friday, August 9, 2013

Skinny Key Lime Pie Ice Cream

 Once upon a time, a boy and a girl got an ice cream maker for Christmas. From there, they experimented and experimented with different flavors, each better than the last. Usually they made chocolate-based or truly "dessert" flavored ice creams, but one day they decided to branch out to fruit ice cream. They had made fruity frozen yogurt before, but had not previously passed into the fruit ice cream territory. They chose to surprise a special guest with her favorite pie flavor, only in ice cream form. And this pie flavor happens to be a classic: key lime pie. As part of their fruity ice cream, they also decided to try a different basic recipe, the "skinny" version of ice cream. This ended up being the perfect flavor to try it on because it gave the ice cream a bit more of a sorbet-esqe texture as opposed to a creamy texture, which was more befitting of a fruit ice cream. And thus, I present to you: Skinny Key Lime Pie Ice Cream!

Notes: I used half and half where the recipe called for light cream, because it's basically the same thing. Otherwise, I mostly stuck to the recipe!

Skinny Key Lime Pie Ice Cream (adapted from 101 Gourmet Ice Cream Creations)
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups half and half
1 cup 2% milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 limes, zested and juiced
1/2+ cup crushed graham crackers

Whisk together sugar, half and half, milk, vanilla and lime zest until combined. Place in ice cream maker for 20-25 minutes, then add lime juice and crushed graham cracker. Freeze until ready to enjoy!

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