Monday, August 19, 2013

Breakfast Kale and Fried Leeks

After we made our Asparagus and Goat Cheese Pizza, we had some leftover fried leeks. We actually had a LOT of leftover fried leeks. We weren't really sure what to do with them, so figured we'd somehow incorporate them into a meal consisting of leftover random fridge items. In this case, it turned out to be a bunch of kale that had never been used (or only half-used) for another recipe and I came up with an idea for it. Will wanted to make eggs for breakfast and I suggested sauteing the kale and adding the fried leeks on top. He liked the idea and was happy to oblige in making it! As I suspected, it turned out to be a very earthy taste between the kale and fried leeks, combined with a slightly gooey egg. So if you make the asparagus pizza, I definitely suggest making this recipe as a way to use some of your leftover fried leeks!

Breakfast Kale and Fried Leeks (serves 2)
1 bunch kale
1 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 eggs
Leftover fried leeks

Wash kale and leave wet, to help in steaming. Heat oil in a medium frying pan over medium-high heat. Once oil is warm, add kale and saute for 1-2 minutes, until fragrant. Add wet kale and saute for another 1-2 minutes, until wilted and bright green. Set aside.

In the same or a separate pan (we always use a small cast iron skillet), heat until ready for egg. Crack egg over pan and fry until desired gooeyness. Serve over kale in a bowl, sprinkling fried leeks on top!

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