Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Flank Steak Over Parsley Cucumber Couscous

We are finally officially Virginians, I'm happy to report! We are liscensed, and registered for things, and (almost) unpacked. It's only taken....almost a month? Yikes. Today marked the last "major" thing we had to do, which was to register and title our cars. And I'm happy to report that even after registering both cars for two years, ordering specialty plates, and personalization for each of us, we still paid almost $100 less for both cars, than we did to register for one car in Florida! So while many aspects of this move have been a much bigger struggle than we anticipated, I am happy to report that we are almost done with dealing with it and can now just enjoy settling in, while I continue to hunt for permanent employment.

This dish in particular is very clearly based off a meal I posted about last week. And yes, it took me that long to get around to sharing it with you all, mainly because our fourth of July feast was so amazing. But anyways, it feels like it's been a lifetime since I've eaten flank steak, so when Will suggested it, I jumped at the chance to try it. Not because I'm a huge meat junkie (really, I'm alright without most meat, but especially without red meat), but just because it had been so long and I knew he was right that it would perk up this salad! I present to you: Flank Steak over Parsley Cucumber Couscous

Flank Steak over Parsley Cucumber Couscous (serves 2)
1-1 1/2 lbs. flank steak
Leftover Parsley Cucumber Couscous
Pat meat dry with a paper towel. Season with peppercorn and crushed peppercorn and garlic rub, then rub a little olive oil into each side. Let it sit out for about 20 minutes, or until it reaches room temperature. Get a frying pan quite hot, then place the steak in and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side. Allow to cool for a couple minutes after cooking, before serving over couscous mixture (you don't want to melt the feta!).

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