Friday, July 26, 2013

Cream Cheese Ice Cream

I don't know about the rest of you, but we have been having perfect weather here in Williamsburg the last couple days! We've actually been able to enjoy sitting on our back porch and had a great time at an Avett Brothers concert last night in Richmond, without melting. And speaking of melting, I figured it was time to post a new ice cream recipe, since we hadn't made any since moving from Tallahassee (sorry for the cheesy segway)! We finally broke out our ice cream machine and tried a modified version of a recipe that I've been dying to try ever since I pinned it. The recipe is for cream cheese ice cream and I will throw out the warning that you kind of have to love cream cheese in order to appreciate this ice cream--otherwise, it's a bit too much flavor. This ice cream also demands toppings, so we frequented our mint chocolate chip hot fudge syrup and fresh blackberries from the Farmer's Market. The ice cream also got better over the course of several days and probably the best bowl of it was the last bowl, because we let it sit out to soften a bit. Even though we enjoyed making it this way, we might revisit the concept with a different recipe at a later point!

Cream Cheese Ice Cream
2 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar, separated
8 oz. cream cheese
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups half and half
1 cup milk

Whisk together egg yolks with 1/4 cup sugar. Once light and fluffy, whisk in remaining sugar. Cut cream cheese into cubes and whisk into egg/sugar mixture. Stir in lemon juice, vanilla, half and half, and milk, until as smooth as possible. Refrigerate for a few hours (or overnight). Place in ice cream machine for 25 minutes, then enjoy!

Recipe Inspiration: Taste of Home: Cream Cheese Ice Cream

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