Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hazelnut Chocolate Ice Cream

Sweet sweet summertime is here and it will be enhanced by our ice cream maker! I'm starting to be convinced that every time we make a new ice cream flavor, we think it's the best one yet. This week was no exception! I had bought Torani Hazelnut Syrup a few months ago, but it's just been sitting in our cupboard. Will wanted to make ice cream and we didn't have a ton of "fun" ingredients on hand, so I suggested unburying the syrup to try it out. He came up with the idea to make it a chocolate ice cream, which we kind of ad-libbed on our own. The result? A creamy, lightly flavored hazelnut chocolate ice cream! It would have only been better if we had had Nutella to melt and then swirl in at the end, but maybe next time, after we move and aren't just trying to clear our cupboards completely!

Hazelnut Chocolate Ice Cream
2 egg yolks
3/4 cups sugar, separated
2 cups heavy cream
1 cup half and half (we didn't have milk around)
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tbsp hazelnut syrup

Combine egg yolks with 1/4 cup sugar, stirring until light and fluffy. Add the rest of the sugar and stir in evenly. Then add the heavy cream, milk, cocoa powder, and hazelnut, stirring until mixture is combined. Refrigerate for at least two hours before making ice cream. Once mixture is chilled, place in an ice cream maker, allowing to churn for 25 minutes. Check for creaminess and enjoy!

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