Sunday, May 19, 2013

Lentil Lunch Salad

As I type this, Will is preparing our second week's worth of this salad! This turned out really well and is something super simple to make, with ingredients we always have on hand. So if you follow this blog and tend to stock up on some of the same bulk items as we do, this would definitely be one to add to your repertoire. Using lentils, bulgur (or couscous), tomatoes, garlic, parsley, and a dressing, you can recreate this salad in no time! We prefer it cold, but you can definitely eat it while it's still warm or you can heat it up during your lunch hour. Either way, between the lentils and the bulgur (or couscous), you are easily filled up. The dressing can be a bit overpowering, depending on what you use, so if it's a new dressing and you're not 100% sure you love it, maybe use a little less than the recipe calls for. Also, the dressing we used is strong for the first few bites, but then always seems to mellow out.

Cooking Notes: Will used a rosemary balsamic dressing, even though the recipe called for a citrus/vinaigrette dressing, so definitely pick this at your discretion. Also, for the second go-round, he used Israeli couscous instead of bulgar wheat, since we're trying to get rid of things we have on hand. He also added some cooked kale stems for the second batch, just because.

Lentil Lunch Salad (adapted from Pinch of Yum; serves 6-8)
1 cup dry green (brown) lentils
1/2 cup dry light bulgur
3-4 cups fresh tomatoes, chopped
6-8 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup parsley, very finely chopped
1/4 cup Drew's Rosemary Balsamic Dressing
S&P, to taste
Lemon juice, to taste

Cook the lentils and bulgur according to directions, using veggie broth instead of water. When cooked, combine and set aside to cool. Saute the tomatoes, garlic and olive oil over low heat for 15 minutes or until the tomatoes and garlic are soft and fragrant. Remove from heat. Add the lentils, bulgur, and parsley to the pan and stir to combine. Season with dressing, S&P, and lemon juice. Serve cold (or hot).

Recipe: Pinch of Yum: Sauteed Garlic and Tomato Lentil Salad

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