Monday, April 15, 2013

Zakin Ridi (Sesame Seed Cookies)

I love my little Extending the Table cookbook. It's full of simple recipes that are representative of many cultures from around the globe. It's fun to be able to look through the different chaptes and find recipes from places like England and Jamaica, right next to each other. I have not been disappointed in the recipes that I have tried from this book, either, which encourages me to keep exploring it. This recipe, Zakin Ridi, better known as sesame seed cookies, is from Nigeria and is really simple to make. I think my favorite part about this recipe is that when you snack on these cookies, you never feel like you are "indulging" or "feeling guilty" for eating a cookie! The sesame seeds give them a nice nutty flavor, which is enhanced with a little bit of sweetness from the vanilla. Otherwise, you don't feel like you just gorged and ate a huge cake or anything like that. However, the flip side to their light, not-so-cookie flavor, is that you can easily eat a ton without thinking about it! If you're looking for a crunchy, sweet, but not guilt-inducing snack, then I recommend making these little guys. I made a batch for a potluck this weekend and they were a huge hit! I also highly recommend dipping them in coffee :)

Cooking Notes: The recipe calls for either shortening or margarine, for which I have always used shortening. It also calls for lemon extract or vanilla extract, and I have always used vanilla!

Zakin Ridi (adapted from Extending the Table; makes 4ish dozen)
3/4 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 cup sesame seeds

Cream the shortening, sugar, eggs, and vanilla together. Then add the flour, baking powder, salt, and sesame seeds, stirring until well blended. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour. When chilled, remove from refrigerator and begin to preheat oven to 400 degrees. Roll the dough out into 1/8 inch thickness on a lightly floured board. Cut into desired shapes (I just do circles). Place on an ungreased baking sheet, then bake for 8-10 minutes (mine work best at 9:30) or until very light brown.

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