Monday, April 8, 2013

Thai Green Curry Veggies

As is common on my blog, I like to make and suggest recipes that are quick and easy to cook. This particular one came off the back of the jar for the Thai green curry paste and it seemed simple enough to do. Just a few veggies, a few "typical" Thai ingredients and some noodles-nothing hard about it! And it turned out quite tasty, despite being from the back of a jar. Who knew those recipes were actually worthwhile? I guess I should have learned they were usually quite good on the few occasions I baked cookies from recipes on the back of the bags...

Unfortunately, I did not take Will up on the opportunity to make this meal by myself, however I did assist in monitoring the process. This should hopefully be one of the last blog posts about how I didn't do anything-I passed my comprehensive exams defense on Friday so I have all the time in the world again to do things! I get to rejoin Will in the kitchen, increase my running distance (we ran our first 10K this past Saturday), play music for the pure enjoyment of it, and carve out time everyday to be practicing yoga. Oh, all that in addition to finding a place to live in Williamsburg and planning our wedding! And finding a job. And having time somewhere in there to relax and just kick back with a glass of wine and a magazine?

Cooking Notes: This is not by any means what the back of the jar suggested veggie wise, but it was what we had on hand and what seemed like it would work. The rest of the recipe is pretty accurate to the original though!

Thai Green Curry Veggies (adapted from the back of the jar; serves 3)
1 bell pepper
3 carrots
3 green onions
1 cup diced green beans
1 can coconut milk
2 tbsp green curry paste
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
Rice noodles

Julienne your bell pepper, carrots, and onions. Combine coconut milk, curry paste, fish sauce, and brown sugar in a large saucepan. Heat on medium-high heat; when bubbling, add veggies. Cook until desired doneness is reached, 5-10 minutes. Cook your noodles according to package directions. Serve with lime juice and sriracha, plus fresh basil or cilantro.

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