Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Curry Egg Salad

So whoa. I have been really bad about keeping up with my blog lately! I was out of town for job interview/audition stuff, Will's been deciding which graduate school to attend (back to W&M!), and now we're trying to prep for our move and I'm finishing up school and....yeah. Whoa. Life is NUTS. Hopefully I can re-anchor myself in this blog just to have something to focus on despite the craziness going on around me. At least that's my goal!

Anyways, this is a great recipe to blog about to get back in the swing of things. I got this from one of my favorite food blogs, Pinch of Yum, and while I'm sure I could have figured this out on my own, it's always nice to try someone else's recipe at first. I know I definitely would not have thought to use a red pepper in it, which adds a little flavor and a lot of color! This egg salad turned out fantastically and I feel confident saying that because I have a coworker who already made it, after seeing me eating it in the office. I also was happy to make this recipe myself because I learned how to hard boil an egg! I know that sounds weird that I had never done it before and had to Google how to do it, but really folks-we all know I'm still learning some things! Obviously hard boiling an egg is pretty easy, but it's one of those kitchen skills not all of us have, which now I do (and so can you). Read on for this tasty lunch option!

Cooking Notes: She only used egg whites, I used whole eggs. She used mango-I skipped it. That's about it, but I have to say, mine turned out really good!

Curry Egg Salad (adapted from Pinch of Yum; serves 6-8)
8 large eggs
3 tbsp - 1/4 cup chopped onion
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 tsp salt
2 tsp curry powder
1/4 - 1/3 cup light mayo

Hard boil the eggs (see below). When cool, peel the shells off smash the eggs with a fork or potato masher. Chop the red pepper and onion into small pieces, then combine with the eggs. Add salt, curry, and mayo in the bowl, stirring well to combine. Keep refrigerated and enjoy over lettuce or bread!

Recipe: Pinch of Yum: Curry Egg Salad

How to Hard Boil an Egg
Begin to boil water. Gently drop eggs into the pot of boiling water. Boil for 8 minutes, covered, and allow to cool. When you're ready to eat or mix the egg into something, carefully peel the shells off!

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