Friday, February 22, 2013

Udon Noodle Soup

Pretty much every American I know gets that occasional craving for Asian food, or more specifically, Chinese take-out. Personally, when that craving hits, I'm a chicken fried rice girl all the way-I hardly ever order any other kind of dish at a Chinese take-out place. However, Chinese take-out is not always the healthiest option, nor is it the most satisfying (anyone else get a salt coma from all the soy afterwards?). Okay, well maybe the "not most satisfying" part of that statement is a bit of a lie, but I think we can all agree it's not the greatest food you can put in your body. So when that Asian food craving hits, it's probably safer for your body and your wallet to have some ingredients on hand that can be thrown together in under 30 minutes to help you indulge. This is a great recipe to help you do just that. Ready in the blink of an eye, with noodles, Asian-style veggies, soy sauce and a kick of chili paste, this sweet/spicy soup will keep you warm and assist you in satiating that Asian food desire!

Cooking Notes: The original recipe called for pre-cooked udon noodles, but we cooked our own. Also, at the very end, we stirred in a little chili paste that we had on hand for some extra kick!

Udon Noodle Soup with Bok Choy and Poached Egg (adapted from The Kitchn; serves 2)
4-5 cups chicken broth
2 whole star anise
1 stick cinnamon
2 eggs
14 oz. udon noodles
4-5 bok choy leaves, sliced into ribbons
2 spring onions, thinly sliced
3-4 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 dollop chili paste (optional)

Begin by cooking the udon noodles according to package directions. Once they are going, bring the chicken broth to a simmer in a medium sauce pan. Add the star anise and cinnamon and simmer for 5-10 minutes to infuse the broth with the spices while preparing other ingredients. Crack the eggs into separate measuring cups and slip them into the broth one at a time. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the noodles and bok choy, stirring gently so you don't break the eggs. Cook for another 2 minutes, until the egg whites are completely set but the middles are still loose. Remove from heat and gently stir in the soy sauce, garlic powder and spring onions. Taste and add more soy sauce if necessary. Remove the star anise and cinnamon with a slotted spoon. Drop a dollop of chili paste on top and split between two bowls to enjoy!

Recipe: The Kitchn: Udon Noodle Soup

The bowl on the right shows the egg better

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